Information about the 20€ fee for LastenFrelos

Dear user,

LastenFrelos in Freiburg may only be returned to one of the FreloPlus stations listed.

This is how FreloPlus stations look like in the map.

  • 3873 Tullastraße / Zähringer Straße
  • 3871 Alter Wiehrebahnhof
  • 3870 Betzenhauser Torplatz
  • 3848 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz
  • 3748 Rathaus im Stühlinger
  • 3743 Johanneskirche
  • 3738 Maria-Hilf-Kirche
  • 3737 Laßbergstraße
  • 3730 Händelstraße
  • 3699 Studentendorf Vauban
  • 3692 Rotteckring
  • 3686 Munzinger Straße
  • 3683 Dorfbrunnen
  • 3659 Lehener Straße/Wentzingerstraße
  • 3874 Karlsplatz

Unfortunately you have returned the LastenFrelo improperly contrary to these regulations. There is a regular fee of 20 € per rental for returning bikes improperly. This fee does not apply to the first improper return. Please note that in case of repetition the fee of 20 € will apply automatically.

You can still avoid the fee: 
Go back to the bike and rent it again. The new rental will merge with the old one and the improper return fee will be cleared if you return the bike properly this time. Learn more about merging rentals.

You can see the final charges for your rentals in your rental history in your app or in your customer account via the website login.

You can see all prices and tariffs for Frelo Freiburg under Prices.


Further information:
Return options  |   Unjust fees  |  Merge of rentals   |  Nextbike in other cities

Which return options for LastenFrelos are there in Freiburg?


FreloPlus stations

 + 0 €

LastenFrelos in Freiburg may only be returned to one of the FreloPlus stations listed above. Those stations are marked with a .

Place the LastenFrelo on the marked area and put it on its feet. Close the lock to return the bike.


At normal stations

+ 20 €

LastenFrelos may not be returned at normal stations that are not marked with a . Please return your LastenFrelo to a FreloPlus station.

For improper returns a fee of at least 20 € will apply automatically.

You have returned the bike inproperly, yet? Here's what you can do.


Away from any station

+ 20 €

LastenFrelos may not be returned flexibly away from the FreloPlus stations listed above. Please return your LastenFrelo to a FreloPlus station.

For improper returns a fee of at least 20 € will apply automatically.

You have returned the bike inproperly, yet? Here's what you can do.

Unjust fees? What now?

Due to slight GPS deviations, you may be charged a fee for inproper return even though you returned your bike at a station or within the flexzone. No problem. Contact our hotline at +49 (0) 30 69205046 or send us a message via app with your registered mobile phone number, respective bike number and a short description of the problem. We will correct the rental.

Merge of rentals

Successive rentals of the same bike are merged if this is the cheaper option for the user. This means that the final rental period is calculated from the start time of the first rental and the return time of the second rental. The break between the two rentals is then also added to the rental time.

If a fusion of both rentals would be the more expensive option, both rentals will stay separate. You can see the final charges for your rentals in your rental history in your app or in your customer account via the website login.


Why does merging rentals make sense in case of a 20€ fee?

How does nextbike work in other cities?

Example 1: If you have returned a bike improperly, you can avert the usual fee of 20 € by renting it again, if you now return the bike properly.
So rent the bike again. The new rental will be merged with the old one and the improper return fee will be deleted.
If you now return the bike properly, the improper return fee will no longer apply. If you return the bike improperly again, the additional fee will apply. If the bike has already been rented by another user, the fee will also apply.

You want to correct the return, but not immediately? Go to the bike and rent it again. Activate the park mode on the bike and close the lock. The rental continues. Before you continue later, end the parking by entering the lock code into the BikeComputer again.


Example 2: You've been renting an ebike for five hours when you accidentally returned it instead of parking it. The maximum daily rate for renting an ebike is 19 € / 24h. Now you want to continue riding and rent the bike again. The old rental will be continued, because a new one would be charged again with 3€ / 30min.