e-Cargobikes for Freiburg


If you don't want to do without your two-wheeler even for larger purchases, you can now rent one of 20 e-Cargobikes in Freiburg.

Where can you rent and return e-Cargos?
e-Cargobikes can be rented at one of those stations and may only be returned to one of them:

  • 3873 Tullastraße / Zähringer Straße
  • 3871 Alter Wiehrebahnhof
  • 3870 Betzenhauser Torplatz
  • 3848 Geschwister-Scholl-Platz
  • 3748 Rathaus im Stühlinger
  • 3743 Johanneskirche
  • 3738 Maria-Hilf-Kirche
  • 3737 Laßbergstraße
  • 3730 Händelstraße
  • 3699 Studentendorf Vauban
  • 3692 Rotteckring
  • 3686 Munzinger Straße
  • 3683 Dorfbrunnen
  • 3659 Lehener Straße/Wentzingerstraße
  • 3874 Karlsplatz

Please put the e-Cargo on its feet when returning.

What does the rental cost?
In the basic rate the rental costs 2€ / 30min. Additionally we introduced three new e-Cargo tariffs. Concessions due to partner connection do not apply to e-Cargos.

e-Cargobikes can be reserved for a period of 30 minutes. If the rental is started within 30 minutes from the start of the reservation, there is no charge for it. If the bike is not rented afterwards, the reservation costs 1€ per bike.

More infos under frelo.de.

Happy Cycling